-------------- Retail --------------

GT distribution innovation potentiality

Our analysis as to how the recent B2B EC service will change the purchase behaviors among GT shop owners

Vietnam environmental attentions
Vietnam environmental attentions

Vietnam has been the countries where the tradtional market (local market, street shops) are dominant. These behavior might be changed as the modern trade channels and online shoppings replace these channels

Trend of DX also comes in Vietnam general store distributions. Vietnam general stores play a major part of selling consumer goods, Sales personnel and distributors make visit to each stores one by one to fill up the inventories, which may change in the future

VinGroup provides VinShop to ease this process by providing the strong monetary benefits to the general trade owners. Telio is also the service provider that aims at B2B2C market.

These service have been accepted at some urban GT stores due to the good promotions. On the other hands, GT shop owners are still familiar with the old procurement method

This report is summarized through the hearings with GT owners as well as desktop research

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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