Our solution for import/export data

We provide import/export data for your market understanding in sea countries

How we provide the export/import data of South East Asian countries

Export/import data is one of the effective data to understand the market trend in your target country. We provide data across South East Asia

Contact us for import/export data inquiry

What is our import/export data analysis

Harmonized System (HS) Codes

Harmonized System (HS) Codes

Among industry classification systems, Harmonized System (HS) Codes are commonly used throughout the export process for goods. We provide these data for your analysis

Trend analysis

Trend analysis

Now that HS code helps us keep track of the import/export data of specific countries, it helps you understand the market trend, particularly when the industry is made up of the export/import product

Supplier / Buyer findings

Supplier / Buyer findings

Our HS code data includes exporter/importer information. The data is useful for you to find business partners in the target countries.

Competitor analysis

Competitor analysis

HS code data helps you understand import/export volume of your competitor to understand their activities and business volume via the trading

Country analysis

Country analysis

HS code data includes the export/import country so that you would understand the volume and trend of the trading in the target countries

South East Asian data coverage

South East Asian data coverage

We have the full coverage of export/import data in South East Asian countries. We would check the data feasibility once we know your target countries, product, and HS code

Steps to support your import/export analysis

Target sharing

1. Target sharing

We need to know the target country and product and also the data duration.

Data pre-check

2. Data pre-check

Our researcher checks the data feasibility to make sure that the data volume and trend satisfy the business objective


3. Contract

The contract is closed between two parties

Data provision

4. Data provision

The data is retrieved from our database to provide via excel format. The data includes HS code, exporter / importer, product description, data quantity and amount.

Contact us for import/export data inquiry

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