Is online survey bad?

In Vietnam, online survey could be the synonym of “cheap and bad”. Well, it can be true to some extent if you provide the data without scrutinization. Q&Me, with the several advanced technology, screens out all the irrelevant answers to provide the true voice of consumers.

how it works

Vietnam Market Research

Questionnaire based on the exact profile

One of the strength of online survey is the huge consumer panelist database with profile. We send out the questionnaire based on the registered profiles which were double checked in several processes. The profile includes age, gender, area, income, ownership, internet behaviors etc

Take out users with irrelevant replies

Through the survey questions, we scrutinize the relevance of the answers.


Fake choices: Q&Me intentionally put the choices that should not be chosen (e.g non-existent brand).


Contradicted answer check: The panelist with be taken out when his answer contradicts with the other answers in his recent answers.


Straight answers: The answers of the panelists are not included when our platform finds him choose the same answers. (e.g choose the answers in the same lines in matrix).

Take out speed users

We count the duration taken for the respective survey. When the respondents spend less time compared with the avarage median time, they will be.

Manual check by the experienced researchers

In additional to the above-mentioned techniques, the experienced researchers form Q&Me shall check the revelance of answers, especially the relevance of open comments

Re-assortment of panelist priorities

Based on the survey results, Q&Me screens out the bad users from the next survey while prioritizing the good ones by providing more rewards.


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