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Interest in electric bikes & cars among Vietnamese

How many of Vietnamese are interested in owning electric motorbike or cars

Interest in electric bikes & cars among Vietnamese
Interest in electric bikes & cars among Vietnamese

Price, brand reputation, and fuel efficiency are the top factors influencing how the audience selects a motorbike.

Transportation convenience, family needs, and the demand for long-distance travel are key motivations for owning a car.

46% of the audience is interested in electric motorbikes, while 28% are interested in electric cars.

When asked about EV manufacturers for both motorbikes and automobiles, the majority of the audience mentioned VinFast.

Vietnamese consumers are drawn to EVs due to their environmental friendliness, cost savings, and noise reduction.. However, they are concerned about battery lifespan, durability, and charging infrastructure.

300 Vietnamese male / female from 20-39 years old

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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