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Motorbike frustration and car ownership intention

In this survye, we will find out what the frustration point of motorbike driving, and what they wish for in case they will own a car

Motorbike frustration and car ownership intention
Motorbike frustration and car ownership intention

Vietnamese motorcyclists are most obsessed with traffic jams (68%), followed by air pollution (67%) and drive in the rain (60%)

75% of participants had a traffic accident, the most common reason being that they collided with another motorcyclist (61%)

Interest in owning a car in the future is high, as 90% shows the interest in it.

Owning a car offers convenience (73%), safety (55%) and comfortable to move (53%) according to Vietnamese expectations

Cars in the minds of Vietnamese people are symbols of success (67%), maturity (51%) and wealth (49%)

The most famous car brands are Toyota (22%), BMW (14%) and Ford (10%). The luxury cars tend to come on the list.

Media exposure and design is linked with the top-of-mind image. VINFAST is federated with good country image.

This survey was conducted in July 2021 with 381 respondents

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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