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Interview from the owners - Why I selected VinFast

This report aims to distill consumers' experiences, shedding light on the evolving preferences and challenges faced by consumers in the rapidly transforming realm of electric mobility in Vietnam.

Interview from the owners - Why I selectede VinFast
Interview from the owners - Why I selectede VinFast

Quality and charging ability are the concerns when purchasing EV car but nation-wide charging station and best warranty service are solving the concerns

The rich and transparent online information makes the car intenders collect the nessary information easily to take them to the car dealers for the consultation

Customers express high satisfaction with a driving experience exceeding expectations—less noise and smooth driving. Additionally, owning an electric vehicle proves more economical, with lower charging costs and reduced maintenance frequency compared to traditional gasoline cars, making it a cost-effective choice.

4 consumers who own Vinfast car

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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