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Ride sharing service usage in Vietnam

How Vietnamese enjoy the tech-oriented transportation service and what brands are popular

Ride sharing service usage in Vietnam
Ride sharing service usage in Vietnam

Vietnamese prioritize 'ease of booking' as the key advantage of ride sharing apps over traditional taxis/bikes, while find less reasons to select traditional taxi except for the availability

Price and ease of booking emerge as the predominant considerations for customers when engaging with a ride sharing application

At the same time, the users expect that the pricing of ride sharing service to be lower while they could avoid long waiting time

Grab has the highest top-of-mind score and is also the most used brand, while Xanh SM came up as the 2nd despite of the recent entry

Xanh SM is the brand with the highest satisfaction index among Top 4, while most of the providers have the high satisfactions

300 Vietnamese male / female from 18-39 years old in HCM and Hanoi

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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