-------------- Motorbike / Car --------------

Vietnamese interest and expectation for Metro service

In many years, motorbike is the most popular transportation in Vietnam. With the development of transportation infrastructure, especially the launching of metro in the future, people will have many other options for their daily movement. This survey is conducted to discover the interest and expectation of Vietnamese for Metro service.

Vietnamese interest and expectation for Metro service
Vietnamese interest and expectation for Metro service

More than half increases driving motorbike frequency with the current frequency is everyday/ almost everyday (87%) in past 1 year.

The awareness of Metro is 87%, but only 31% understand what Metro is clearly. Recognition of elderlies is higher than youngsters.

69% are aware that Vietnam will have Metro, especially in HCM and HN.

The interest in using Metro gains 51%. The percentage is higher in HCM.

45% intend to use Metro as weekend or irregular usage transportation.

Convenience and free from smog are highest motivations to use metro, while the concern factors for using metro is lack of convenient route and lack of stations nearby.

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The survey gained opinions from more than 600 respondents

From 18 - 45 year olds, male and female, nationwide 

Conducted on July, 2019 

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research


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