-------------- Healthcare --------------

Vietnamese concern over body odor

More than half of the Vietnamese males and females have concerns on their body odor. Besides from showering daily, deodorant products have been widely used to prevent the body odor.

Vietnamese concern over body odor
Vietnamese concern over body odor

92% takes bath at least once/ day.

Female hair wash frequency is not as high as male and daily hair washer account for 23%

Both males and females have the same concern level on their body odor.

After sports and in office/ school are when people get the most concern on their body odor.

Armpit and mouth are the two parts of body causing the biggest odor concern.

Roll-on deodorant is used the most by both males and females to prevent body odor.

Number of respondents: 922

From 16 years old, nationwide

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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