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Vietnam macro market trend (Q2, 2024)

This is the consolidated report summarizing the public information as to Vietnam economy in 2024 such as: sales of retail; amount of import and export; inflation; consumer price index …

Vietnam macro market trend (Q2, 2024)
Vietnam macro market trend (Q2, 2024)

Retail sales trend is up by 8.6% vs. last year.

CPI trend is up by 4.34% vs. last year.

Core inflation trend is up by 2.61% vs. last year.

Import amount trend is up by 17% vs. last year.

Export amount trend is up by 14.5% vs. last year.

Number of newly registered company is up by 6.1% vs. last year.

The unemployment ratio is 2.29%. (Q2-2024)

Car sales trend is down by 1.8% vs. last year.

Motorbike sales is down by 1.4% vs. last year.

International visitors to Vietnam trend is up by 58% vs. last year.

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