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How Vietnamese have 1000 friends in Facebook

In the past survey of ours, 1 out of 6 people have more than 1000 friends of Facebook. How do they make friends with so many? We had some experimental trial of how receptive they are for the friends request from the strangers.

We tested with the 3 scenario as below:

1. Facebook account without profile

2. Facebook account with a pattern avatar

3. Facebook account with a photo of beautiful lady

Here is the outcome:

How Vietnamese have 1000 friends in Facebook

The top acceptance is from the one with a beautiful lady photo (88% male and 43% female). Even without the photo, 25% male and 29% female had accepted it.

How Vietnamese have 1000 friends in Facebook

The beautiful Facebook profile could easily get the acceptance from friend request without knowing them.

Let us hear some opinions of those who have many FB friends.

Ms. Thuy (a high school student from Luong The Vinh high school, Gia Lai province, Vietnam): “I have 1,500 friends on Facebook. But the real friends that I know are no more than 300. This is because that I always accepted no matter what the friend request was. I am a big fan of Chinese singers and sent the friends request to the ones in the same communities regardless of if I know them. I did that as I though I could get more like, share and comment if I have more friends.”

Ms. Tuong (an company officer in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam): “I have over 2,000 friends on Facebook. I remember when I started using Facebook 5 years ago, I always accepted whenever I receiveed a new request. At that time, I sent the request to all of my schoolmates in university even though I did not know them. Now more than half are the ones that I do not know. I feel unhappy when strangers leave comments. I had to delete some of them to clean up my friends.”


Q&Me is the Vietnam market research service that provides the superb Vietnam consumer trend and insight for your business success in Vietnam.

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