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Vietnam macro market trend (Q3, 2020)

The report is the summary of: Vietnam retail sales data (GSO). Vietnam consumer price index data (GSO). Vietnam core inflation data (GSO). Vietnam import amount data from (GSO). Vietnam export amount data from (GSO). Number of newly registered company data (National Business Registration Portal). Vietnam unemployment ratio data (GSO). Vietnam car sales trend data (VAMA). Vietnam motorbike sales trend (VAMM). International visitors to Vietnam data (GSO)

Vietnam macro market trend (Q3, 2020)
Vietnam macro market trend (Q3, 2020)

Retail sales trend is up by 1% vs. last year.

CPI trend is up by 3.71% vs. last year.

Core inflation trend is up by 2.52% vs. last year.

Import amount trend is down by 1% vs. last year.

Export amount trend is up by 4% vs. last year.

Number of newly registered company is down by 3% vs. last year.

Unemployment ratio trend is up by 2.48% vs. last year.

Car sales trend is down by 21% vs. last year.

Motorbike sales down is down by 17% vs. last year.

International visitors to Vietnam trend is down by 74% vs. last year.

This report was made in November 2020

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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