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Why there is little hamburger culture in Vietnam

We find out why hamburger popularity remains niche in Vietnam, through our consumer data collections, retail analysis.

Why there is little hamburger culture in Vietnam
Why there is little hamburger culture in Vietnam

Vietnam has an eat out culture in the morning (e.g. pho, banh mi). Also 16% of their dinner occasions are spent for eat out

Strong local food culture as 34% eat them daily. 8% eat fast food weekly. HCM has more consumption of fast food, BBQ and Pizza.

Fast food is federated with the images of quick, affordable, a variety of menu

57% prefers chicken while 11% picks up hamburger.

While chicken is selected for its taste, nutrition. Hamburger is linked with easiness. Chicken is for a group, while hamburger is for individual eating.

For this report, several consumer data are used together with a retail data. The data in slide 3 is from 200 respondents in HCM and Hanoi from 18-49 years old. The data in 7, 8, 11, 12 are from 300 respondent in HCM and Hanoi from 20 years old and above

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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