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Landscape of digital marketers in Vietnam

This survey was conducted in order to understand the marketing activities, relationship between brands and agencies, as well as the issues of Vietnam digital marketing industries.

Landscape of digital marketers in Vietnam
Landscape of digital marketers in Vietnam

84% Vietnamese enterprises spend their money on social advertisement.

94% of the mid/large enterprises (staff number is 50 and more) spend money for social while 79% of small enterprises (staff number is less than 50) do the activity as well.

Facebook is the most popular media that almost all enterprises have the account. YouTube follows after that. 99% of the brand use Facebook for their digital marketing. YouTube is also high, as 72% use it.

When it comes to the satisfaction in digital marketing, brands are satisfied with its performance but less happy with its cost and the impact to the business.

Only 10% brands evaluate scores 8 and higher while 71% scroes 6 and less on their satisfaction of their agencies from 1-10 (10 = satisfied, 1=dissatisfied).

Survey about Landscape of digital marketers in Vietnam 

155 enterprises (104 brands, 43 agencies, 8 publishers) 

Conducted on September, 2017 

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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