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Where do Vietnamese buy food groceries

Analysis of Vienamese female food groceries shopping frequency and channels

Where do Vietnamese buy food groceries
Where do Vietnamese buy food groceries

Wet market is used by everyone. Online is used by 14% of the respondent

More than half of the groceries shoppings are done at GT chnnels. HCM / 20’s have higher usage of modern trade.

Modern trade is used for unique / more variety of products and promotions. GT is preferred fro fresh products and pricing

The perceptions as to pricing, freshness, product variess are different between MT-oriented / GT-oriented users

Co.opmart, Winmart, Bach Hoa Xanh are the top 3 modern trade channels that the respondents visist most often

A variety of foods, location, unique product handlings are the top 3 selection factors

300 Vietnamese female in 20's - 40's of HCM / Hanoi who usually cook at home

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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