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Vietnam youth lifestyle (2020)

Comprehensive report of how the youth (18-25 years old) in Vietnam thinks, behaves and plays.

Vietnam youth lifestyle (2020)
Vietnam youth lifestyle (2020)

Weekend: Internet, sleeping, movies are the top 3 activities. Games are popular among male.

Fashion: On top of sport brand and fast fashion brand, luxurious brand as Gucci or Channel is ranked. Even fake products those are taken as the fashion icon.

Beauty / health: Beauty / health is one of the areas where they pay attentions, spending a good amount of money for cosmetics and supplement

Tech: Smartphone is the center of their lifestyle as well as the token of their status. Photo feature is one of the best attention among youth.

Information source: Word of mouth from the close circle (friends, family) is more trustful while Facebook, YouTube are dominant in terms of volume

Online quantitative survey - 436 respondents from 18-25 years old nationwide 

Focus group interviews - 12 young influencers in HCM (Those who have 1,000 followers and more) 

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