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Best TVCF with Vietnamese football players 2019

Vietnam’s soccer talents are succeeding on the world stage, and from this success, many brands start to utilize football players in their communication. This study focuses on exploring the impact of football players in TVCF.

Best TVCF with Vietnamese football players 2019
Best TVCF with Vietnamese football players 2019

The most recognized TVCF with football players are Shopee (25%), LG (4%), Viettel (4%), Acecook (3%)

The favorite TVCF with football players is Shopee with 23% of consumers choose it. Shopee TVCF especially appeals to females with 27% of females like this TVCF the most.

Second most favorite is Su Tu Trang (13%), followed by LG (13%), Viettel (11%), and Acecook (8%)

The key factors for successful TVCF are funny, creative, and easy to understand. Vietnamese consumers also like the appearance of football players in TVCF with 38% of consumers like the ads because of the football players.

The favorite football players for TVCF is Quang Hai with 37% of consumer interested in watching him on TVCF, follow by Tien Dung (8%), Van Lam (5%), Xuan Truong (4%), and Cong Phuong (3%)

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Surveyed with 475 consumer in HCMC and HN from 18-40 years old. Conducted on October 2019.

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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