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Research about beauty item ownership in Vietnam (Male, Female)

What beauty items do Vietnamese male and female use? We checked the product ownership among 2,000 audiences.

Research about beauty item ownership in Vietnam (Male, Female)
Research about beauty item ownership in Vietnam (Male, Female)

More than 50% of the male audience uses deodorant (antiperspirant) or face wash.

Beauty product usage among men is higher in HCM, particularly among those aged 18-34 and those with higher monthly incomes.

Overall, beauty product ownership among men is higher in HCM. Perfume usage is limited in Hanoi, with a particularly large gap between HCM and Hanoi in the use of perfume and hair styling products.

Among women, cleanser (face wash), lipstick, and sunscreen are the three most commonly used beauty products.

Beauty product usage among women is higher in HCM, especially among those aged 25-34 and those with higher incomes.

Except for face wash, lipstick, and sunscreen, which have high ownership across all areas, women in HCM tend to use a wider variety of beauty products.

300 Vietnamese male and female in HCM and Hanoi from 20-39 years old

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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