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Vietnam digital consumers and EC market (2022)

Vietnam digital economy grows one of the highest in South East Asia. This report illustrates the current usage, opportunities and risk as to the digital commerce.

Vietnam digital consumers and EC market (2022)
Vietnam digital consumers and EC market (2022)

The digital economy in Vietnam will grow as fastest among SEA countries. The market will be a few times bigger in 3-4 years range.

The innovation in the platform, logistic and payment create the ecosystem of “buy anything, anytime, from anywhere”.

A few platformers dominate the market and own the huge data to maximize their sales further. The brands are likely to strengthen their dependency on these platforms and the relationship will change.

Shopee grows their share while Lazada, Tiki follows. For the specialist EC, the mobile world strengthen their online shift.

This report was updated in March 2022

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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