-------------- 라이프스타일 --------------

Generation Z in Vietnam

This is an intensive report to understand Gen Z lifestyle and opinions through our quantitative and qualitative research approach

Generation Z in Vietnam
Generation Z in Vietnam

Generatio Z male spends on playing games while female likes to listen to music and social media

Generation Z is influenced both by local celebrities as well as the international ones. International celebrities are mainly from the Hollywood stars and the football icons.

Facebook is still dominantly popular due to the variety of useful information. some started to slow down the usage

Generation Z is also the frequent online shopping users, although their spending per shopping is limited. They are also keen on the promotions for the better deals

Generation Z relies on non-cash payment due to the better promotions and the convenience. One of the things to drive non-cash usage is their increasing trust in digital platform

Generation Z feels more positive about their potentiality thanks to their openness and intelligence

This survey was conducted in Nov 2021 based on quantitative survey (379 samples) and 2 FGDs

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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