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How Much Do Vietnamese Spend on Food Monthly?

This study examines how much Vietnamese people spend on food each month based on income levels and urban or rural residence. While urban households tend to spend more, rural households allocate a higher percentage of their income to food. The report also highlights spending patterns among low-, mid-, and high-income groups.

As incomes in Vietnam continue to rise, spending habits are becoming more diverse. One of the key areas of expenditure is food. To understand how much Vietnamese consumers spend on food every month, we conducted a nationwide analysis of over 1,000 individuals.

How Much Do Vietnamese Spend on Food?

Based on our analysis, the average Vietnamese consumer spends approximately 6.0 million VND per month on food. The distribution of spending varies, with 30% of respondents spending between 3.0 to 5.0 million VND and another 30% spending between 5.0 to 6.0 million VND. Higher spending categories, such as those exceeding 10 million VND per month, make up a smaller proportion, with only 3% spending between 10.0 to 12.0 million VND and 2% spending between 12.0 to 15.0 million VND. This data highlights that the majority of Vietnamese households allocate between 3.0 to 8.0 million VND for food expenses each month

How Much Do Vietnamese Spend on Food Monthly?

Food Spending Analysis by Urban and Rural Areas

A closer look at spending habits by location reveals distinct differences between urban and rural areas. In urban centers such as Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, households have a higher average monthly income of 26.5 million VND and spend an average of 7.1 million VND on food, which accounts for 27% of their income. In contrast, rural households have a lower average monthly income of 20.1 million VND and allocate an average of 5.8 million VND to food, making up 29% of their total earnings. These figures suggest that while urban residents spend more in absolute terms, rural consumers dedicate a larger portion of their income to food.

How Much Do Vietnamese Spend on Food Monthly?

Food Spending Analysis by Income Level

Income level also plays a significant role in food expenditure. Among low-income earners (less than 15 million VND per month, accounting for 18% of respondents), food expenses average 4.4 million VND per month, making up 37% of their income. Middle-income earners (15 to 25 million VND per month, accounting for 58%) spend approximately 5.8 million VND on food, representing 29% of their income. High-income earners (above 25 million VND per month, accounting for 24%) allocate 7.5 million VND to food, which constitutes only 25% of their income.

This trend suggests that as income levels rise, the percentage of earnings allocated to food decreases. Higher-income groups have more disposable income, allowing them to allocate more spending toward education, entertainment, and personal care, including beauty and health-related expenses.

How Much Do Vietnamese Spend on Food Monthly?


Vietnamese consumers allocate a significant portion of their income to food, with variations based on location and income level. While urban residents spend more in absolute terms, rural consumers dedicate a larger proportion of their earnings to food. Higher-income individuals have the financial flexibility to spend on a broader range of goods and services beyond food. Understanding these spending patterns provides valuable insights into the evolving consumer landscape in Vietnam.

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