Vietnamese health consciousness and fitness demand 베트남 시장 조사 보고서 | Q&Me  

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Vietnamese health consciousness and fitness demand

The demand of exercise and fitness are getting higher while the economy grows in Vietnam. This survey was made with an intention to understand Vietnamese health consciousness and fitness motivation.

Vietnamese health consciousness and fitness demand
Vietnamese health consciousness and fitness demand

57% of male and 41% of female considers themselves as healthy

54% of the respondents exercises for the health maintenance

Walking / running are the most common. Football is most popular ball game

80% of male and 73% of female go / or have interests in going to the gym

Male are more for gaining muscles, while females are for weight loss

Work out is popular for male. Female has higher interests in yoga/pirates

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Survey about Vietnamese health consciousness and fitness demand 

Number of respondents: 868

From 18 - 39 HCM and Hanoi Residents 

Conducted on December, 2017 

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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