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Milk drinking behavior in Vietnam

Milk is considered to be the source to provide the health and nutrition in Vietnam. We conducted the survey to over 700 respondents in Vietnam to understand their drinking customs, favorite brands and purchase factors.

Milk drinking behavior in Vietnam
Milk drinking behavior in Vietnam

60% of respondents drink milk in the last 3 months.

Health and nutrition are the two main reasons of drinking milk.

Around 30% of milk drinkers are concerned about drinking too much. Weight and stomach concerns count. Teens have acne concerns by drinking too much.

During breakfast is the most common timing, while 30s and above tend to take milk when they get tired.

For purchasing, TVCF and TV program (related with health) are effective information source. Elderly are concerned about more about quality and origin.

Vinamilk is dominantly popular in Vietnam market.

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Survey about Milk drinking behavior in Vietnam 

Number of respondents: 773

Male and female from 18 – 44. Location: Vietnam 

Survey conducted on December, 2016 

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