-------------- 의견 --------------

Work abilities evaluation between male and female

The survey was conducted with the objective of understanding the differences in the work capabilities of male and female.

Work abilities evaluation between male and female
Work abilities evaluation between male and female

Male is considred to be better in leadership, visions while female is evaluated as better at caring.

Female considers themselves to be caring, hardworking and good at numbers.

Male considers themselves to be better at leardership, visions and strategies.

There is a big gap in the evaluation of hardworking and responsibility.

People from North consider themselves to be more hardworking. The same trend applies for the South people.

Those who prefer boss is 3 times higher than female boss.

Japan is dominantly associated as the country of hard working people.

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Survey about Work abilities evaluation between male and female. 

Number of respondents: 580

Full-time workers from 20 - 39 years old, nationwide. 

Conducted on May 2017 

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