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Vietnam university lifestyle survey

Check out our in-depth report about lifestyle of Vietnamese students, to understand these potential purchasers in terms of the lifestyle, information source, digital usage brand preference and others.

Vietnam university lifestyle survey
Vietnam university lifestyle survey

The average living cost of students who live with family is 3,780,000 VND while without family is 4,920,000 VND. Half of all the spending is spending for food/beverage.

Students try to eat modest meals as much cost as around 50,000 VND/day on weekdays.

In the weekends, many students eat ice cream and go to café. In case of students live with family, some parents pay all cost of food and drink students spend.

Frequency of purchasing cloths is not low, but spending is not high; half students spend less than 300,000 VND.

93% of students have smartphone. About 30% of them are iPhone users.

Students spends a lot of time on Social network. App usage are “Facebook”, “Games”, “Camera360”, “Dictionary”, and “Grab/Uber”.

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Sample size for quantitative survey: 1000 in Hanoi and HCM. 

Home visits / In-depth interviews: 15 students.

Face-to-face interviews: 30 student couples. 

Diary log: 30 students. 

Conducted on July, 2017 

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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