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베트남 청년층이 하는 아르바이트

What kind of part-time jobs do Vietnamese youth take in order to make ends meet? What are the popular jobs and how much do they earn?

베트남 청년층이 하는 아르바이트
베트남 청년층이 하는 아르바이트

19% of university students have part-time job now while 57% has experienced it.

Waiter / waitress are the most popular in both gender. Tutoring is popular among ladies.

Tutoring has a great popularity as the best job especially among female.

39% earns less than 1M VND, 79% earns less than 2M VND.

Introduction from friends are by far the most common way of finding the part-time job, followed by Facebook and internet.

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베트남 청년층이 하는 아르바이트 

Sample size: 500 samples. Criteria: 18-22 years old male / female who are either students or part-timer. 

Conducted on Sept, 2015 

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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