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크리스마스에 베트남에서 하는 일들

Christmas is becoming more and more popular among Vietnamese nowadays. Thus, how the Vietnamese adopt this holiday and what do they usually do on this day? Q&Me has figured it out through our report below.

크리스마스에 베트남에서 하는 일들
크리스마스에 베트남에서 하는 일들

60% people care more or less about Christmas yet only 17% of them are Christian.

22% female tend to eat something special at home rather than eat out on Christmas compare to 17% last year.

20% male want to spend this Christmas with his girlfriend.

25% female want to spend it with her family (parents, siblings).

“Go to see illuminations” is the most popular activity on Christmas all the time.

“Soft toys (teddy bear)” is the most wanted Christmas gift for female.

63% choose “Jingle Bells” as TOP Christmas song.

To view the full report, please click the button below

Survey about Vietnamese activities on Christmas 

Sample size: 516 samples. Respondent criteria: Male & Female, 16-39 years old. Area: Nationwide. 

Conducted time: Dec 10th-11th, 2015 

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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