47 %는 베트남 보도에서 운전

In Vietnam, motorbikes are everywhere and the market is 4th biggest in the world. How they drive motorbikes and what problems they have? Q&Me Vietnam market research had run the survey of motorbike.

47% of Vietnamese ride motorbike on pedestrians

In their daily motorbike life, what Vietnamese dislike the most is “Traffic Jam” and “Bad driving manner”. BTW, female seem to be more stressed with motorbikes than male.

Q. What do you dislike about riding motorbike?

47% of Vietnamese ride motorbike on pedestrians

So, are they good drivers themselves? I see many riders cut short using pedestrian roads, and asked if how many of them do that. Oops.. 47% of them ride motorbike on pedestrians. Here again, female does more. So they are more stressed and take measures for that more...

Q. Do you ride motorbikes on pedestrian roads?

43% of Vietnamese have more than 300 Facebook friends

Survey conducted on Aug 16 - Aug 18

Survey numbers: 200

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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