베트남어 대학생의 38 %는 페이스 북을 통해 일자리를 찾을

In Vietnam, how do students make up their ends meet while some of them come to the big cities from their hometown. Q&Me Vietnam market research conducted the survey about part-time job among students.

38% of Vietnamese University Students find the job via Facebook

베트남어 대학생의 38 %는 페이스 북을 통해 일자리를 찾을

Q. How many part-time jobs do you have now?

38% of Vietnamese University Students find the job via Facebook

Q. How many part-time jobs do you have now?

38% of Vietnamese University Students find the job via Facebook

What kind of part-time jobs do they have? The data shows the different results by gender. Especially IT/Internet fields are among the most popular for male, while female ratio is low.

Q. What kind of part-time jobs are you doing?

38% of Vietnamese University Students find the job via Facebook

And toward the question of “What kind of part-time job do you want to get next?”, the most popular here as well is IT/Internet.

Q. What kind of part-time job do you want to get next?

38% of Vietnamese University Students find the job via Facebook

How do they look for jobs? Surprising to see that Facebook is the most popular choice. This is a reflection of Vietnamese addictions to Facebook.

Q. How do you look for your jobs?

38% of Vietnamese University Students find the job via Facebook

How much is their salary? The result shows the average salary of students is still low (10,000 – 15,000 VND/hour and 1,000,000 – 2,000,000 VND/month).

Q. How much is your salary per hour?

38% of Vietnamese University Students find the job via Facebook

Q. How much is your salary per month?

38% of Vietnamese University Students find the job via Facebook

How many hours a week do they work? 30,5% of university student do their part-time job less than 5 hours per week, which is the highest.

Q. How many hours a week your part-time job is?

38% of Vietnamese University Students find the job via Facebook

Survey conducted on Aug 30

Survey numbers: 164

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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