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Vietnam retail store (modern trade) trend 2022

The retail industry in Vietnam is currently dominated by traditional trade stores and local markets. However, the landscape is changing in recent years with the expansion of modern trade (MT) stores. This report provides an overview of MT store trend across categories in Vietnam.

Vietnam retail store (modern trade) trend 2022
Vietnam retail store (modern trade) trend 2022

The retail industry in 2021 has been serverly damaged by the Covid-19, resulting in negative monthly growth for nationwide. However, it has been recovering later in the year and is forecasted to rebound in 2022 when the pandemic is under control.

Key poisitive trends:

  • + Convenience store enjoys positive growth in 2022 thanks to Bach Hoa Xanh and Winmart+, which are also the dominators in the market.
  • + Drug store drastically modernized and reached more than 2,000 stores nationwide, mostly thanks to Pharmacity, Long Chau and An Khang Pharmacy.

Key negative trends:

  • + Ministores negatively declined in two consescutive years.
  • + Movies theatres and gym/ fitness chains also declined but at a slower pace.

Online sales is being focused by MT chains with web being the channel for IT/ Electronic devices while mobile apps are preferred for beauty and mom products.

Store counting is as of April, 2022

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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