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Reviewing Trends in Vietnam for the Year 2023

What were hottest topics and trends that made buzz in 2023

Reviewing Trends in Vietnam for the Year 2023
Reviewing Trends in Vietnam for the Year 2023

Consumer confidence - Those who rate highly for their 2023 as “satisfied” (Score=10 or 9) account for 14% while who “not satisfied” (6 and lower) are 43%)

Highest negative in financial stability, reflecting the economy downtrend in Vietnam of 2023

2023 news - Hanoi fire incident got the highest attentions. Other than that, bad news about weather-related incident or restructuring in real estate industry got voting. Blackpink Vietnam tour created the buzz among the youth

2023 cultural trend - TikTok shopping is chosen as the best strend, followed by dragon fruit instant noodle and 10 won bread boom from Korea

2023 entertainment - 1 night 2 days, Cắt Đôi Nỗi Sầu got the highest voting, followed by Nhà Bà Nữ

300 Vientamese from 16-44 in Vietnam nation-wide

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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