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Survey about hairstyle and hairstyling products among male in Vietnam

With smartphone in hand, it's easier for our male users to capture their hairstyles, of which we can catagorize and analyze each hairstyle associated with using behaviors of hairstyling products and brand perception.

Survey about hairstyle and hairstyling products among male in Vietnam
Survey about hairstyle and hairstyling products among male in Vietnam

Generally, the most popular hairstyles among male is associated with the bang over the forehead or swept backwards as so-called pompadour.

Hair wax and gel are used most commonly (32% & 33% respectively).

People in the 10s prefer hair wax while people in 30s prefer mouse.

Hairstyling brands in Vietnam are diverse, with the highest share of Romano, Nivea & L'oreal.

Avearage hairstyling duration is 7.2 minutes.

TVCF is the most influential information source.

32% applies again hair styling products after taking their helmets.

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Survey about hairstyle and hairstyling products among male in Vietnam 

Number of respondents: 456

Male from 16 – 39. Location: Vietnam. 

Survey conducted on May, 2016 

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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